Coming Soon…

We will share the case for all of the cryptos you see scrolling atop our app. We will never take any money for promoting a cryptocurrency. Every crypto listed on this website is something we invest in personally. This is 100% the information we share with our family and closest friends. Welcome to our inner circle! 

NOTE: We showcase the calculators and how they function with many different crypto videos… that DOES NOT mean we would invest in them. PLEASE DYOR before making any investments. 

We also have an advanced calculator releasing soon, along with several other helpful calculators. Please follow us on Twitter to stay up to date. 

***CRYPTO NETWORKING: If you have put together quality videos that add value to help people learn how to invest in crypto we are looking to bring THE BEST resources together in one place. Please message us on twitter with a link to your video and a BRIEF summary of what value it can add to our people. NOTE: we are not taking money to sponser videos, if you do a great job, we want to share it! Thank you!

Crypto Calculators

We do the math for you! Below are our free calcultors designed to help you strategize your investing opportunities. These calculators will work for any investment including crypto, gold, silver, NFTs and more! We believe the more information you have, the better choices you will make investing, which will allow you to reach Financial Freedom sooner!

What do you Meme?

Our Mission

Our passion at Crypto Freedom Calculator is to see as many people set free financially as possible. This directly defies the controlling, manipulating powers that want us to, “Own nothing and be happy.”! 

At CFC we understand the truth behind Proverbs 22:7 which states that, “the borrower is a slave of the lender.”. The power in understanding debt is a tool of ownership, of control, of slavery means we have the opportunity to break free.

In the United States, debt is normalized. We all enter into contracts far beyond our means and we aren’t getting free even though we spend most of our lives working to reach that freedom goal. The most important time in our lives to be present is when we are raising our children and yet we’ve locked ourselves away from them in order to pay our debtors. This idea means we are living and waiting for our 60s if we are able to break free by then at a retirement age. 

At CFC we believe Jesus died on the cross to shed his blood so our sins would be atoned and we can be reconciled with God. In Galations 5:1 it states, “For FREEDOM Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” It’s a sad reality that Jesus died for us to be free and many of us who love Him are still enslaved. 

None of what we share is financial advice. We are simply building tools and sharing resources to help you speculate on your strategic plan to leverage the transition from an old system to a new, improved system. It much easier to lose money in this market then it is to make it. So please do your own research and understand that no one on the internet is qualified to actually give you financial advice.

Some General Investing General Suggestions:

1. Only invest what you are prepared to lose.

2. Do not share any access to your crypto at all with anyone. Assume everyone wants to steal from you. This is important as many people impersonate influencers and steal in their name. No influencer is going to reach out randomly and DM you asking to help you with your crypto. 

3. PLEASE do your own research. There are many silly projects, some which have succeeded but ultimately your money should be invested with wisdom. If there isn’t wisdom, then we’re just gambling and that’s not for the glory of the Lord. 

4. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t afford to buy your estimated goals for investing. Many people think they can’t and then somehow enough time goes by and they are able to make investments that reach and surpass their goals. So don’t miss the opportunity to be apart of something you see being successful because you can’t get enough. Any ROI is awesome! 

5. Diversify your investments but not so much that you dilute every opportunity. $10 invested in a project isn’t going to get you far. Pick a few projects, set your goals and fulfill them as you feel the opportunities open up. It’s okay if you start with one project and then reach your goal fully and then move on, but intend on having more than one path to financial freedom built. Since we do not have any guarantees a diverse portfolio will broden your opportunities to reach your financial goals. 

6. Debt freedom is a priority. Then residual income. Finally, generational wealth. We’d all like to jump to the end but if you can gain $20k off of $1k and that takes care of a couple bills, you are one step closer to financial freedom. 

We are not financial advisors, this is not financial advice, please do your own research and read our important disclaimer.